Psychopaths R Us - Learning torture and murder for fun and profit
Zio-Nazis are free to insult and attack others. They are lacking of any valid defence legally, morally or otherwise. However, the same pigs are calling names, killing babies, conducting terrors and running the longest running concentration camps without any remorse whatsoever!
They deserve to be in side the gas chamber! It is long overdue.
--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:
Islamo-fascist knucklehead,
You are a rascist pig but you do say funny things at times.
Cheers Bruce
--- In, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: Psychopaths R Us - Learning torture and murder for fun and profit
" type="#_x0000_t75">
" src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/PC1%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.gif" width=18 v="_x0000_i1027"> !!!!!!
--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:
Nazi Zionist Bruce,
Answer my valid questions and do not bark.
--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:
Re: Psychopaths R Us - Learning torture and murder for fun and profit
Nazi Zionist Bruce,
Answer my valid questions and do not bark.
--- In, "bruceksim" wrote:
You are a rascist pig but you do say funny things at times.
Cheers Bruce
--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:
Re: Psychopaths R Us - Learning torture and murder for fun and profit
Free America Now from the Zio-Nazis. Fights in Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Iran got no strategic value or interest for America. Yet, Nazi Zionist Israel is dragging America like an obedient donkey. The USA$ is going down the tube, poor Americans are dying and getting injured for no reason! Yet, Zionists want to use America as their launching pad and Americans as foot soldiers. What a ad state of affairs!
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe. Taken as a whole, everything is Jewdified. Our ideas animate everything. Our spirit reigns over the world. We are the Lords." - Dr. Kurt Munzer, The Way to Zion.
--- In, John Perna wrote:
Psychopaths R Us - Learning torture and murder for fun and profit
As the world moves towards totalitarianism there is likely to be a shortage of psychopaths, who will be needed to fill the demand for the torture and murder. Countries which are still pretending to be free, may find it necessary to "outsource" training to psychopaths working in private companies which receive government contracts.
Water boarding instructional video for the beginner interrogator. Our police are being used as military against us. The police are being desensitized so they will be able to kill us at will without thinking about it. Martial law will be easier now that they have police that will do the job for them.-------------------------------------------------------------
Actual Senate debate and roll call vote on the confirmation of Mukasey Mukasey could not say clearly that "water boarding" is torture.
SEN. KENNEDY: Speech Opposing Mukasey Confirmation
Bill Maher video clip on torture
---------------------------------------- Terrorism, torture, the Patriot act, and Ron Paul's comments
The American recipe for holocaust - A startling video by Naomi Wolf, author of "The End of America" with details about our secret prison system where torture takes place.
When Will We Have Had Enough? Billy Vegas
will redirect to:
The Power Behind the Power revealed- PBS.ORG gives us the inside info on "Cheney's Law"
After a long flight, Robert Dziekanski was left waiting in airport security for 10 hours and his Mother was also waiting for him for hours until his nerves snapped, which can be seen in the way he was breathing heavily.
An eyewitness's video recording of Robert Dziekanski being killed with a Taser by police on Oct. 14 at Vancouver International Airport:
The full Waco Documentary, in 13 video segments, is found at:
In the particular segment (below) we see a BATF agent shooting into the room where the other agents were killed:
In the particular segments (below) we see a hole that could have only been made by an explosive device placed on to of the bunker where the women and children hid:
FEMA Says Founding Fathers Are Terrorists
The following video is of a July 2001 FEMA training meeting in Oklahoma where a FEMA representative was caught on video instructing local police that the American people were the enemy and that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers were a terrorist organization.
So there you have it. If you want to defend the rights listed in the constitution you are a terrorist. Still want to fight the war on terror?
Video showing officers arresting Carol Ann Gotbaum at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport just before she DIED WHILE HANDCUFFED in a holding cell.
These days, video footage can come in very handy...
...... (or can get you in trouble)
Matt Lauer Corners Bush on Torture
Sen. Edward Kennedy asks Alberto Gonzales about torture.
David Gregory vs Bush on Torture Bill
Videos of Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano at Future of Freedom Foundation Conference
Judge Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 1 of 4
Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 2 of 4
Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 3 of 4
Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 4 of 4
Ron Paul at FFF Conference, Part 1
Ron Paul at FFF Conference, Part 2
Ron Paul at FFF Conference, Part 3
Ron Paul at FFF Conference, Part 4 (Questions and Answers)
Ron Paul at FFF Conference, Part 5
Ron Paul at FFF Conference, Part 6 of 6
Judge Andrew Napolitano A Nation of Sheep
Student Tasered: Judge Napolitano Is Outraged!
Ron Paul: Our Power, Our Responsibility
Ron Paul Dream #3
A separate unrelated topic:
Blackwater advertisement
"For protecting them by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States"
The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
"The government has not decided whether to prosecute Blackwater Worldwide bodyguards for the September shooting of 17 Iraqi civilians."
Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
Ron Paul : Stop Dreaming
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
George Orwell